All pupils are requested to wear our compulsory uniform so that they present an identity which clearly links them to the school. We learned about codes like Morse Code and made own torches with an LED light, 2 plastic covers, a piece of foam and a battery. The S6 Prom took place on Friday 16 June 2017 at the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. Education Scotland. Address: Dowanfield Road, Seafar Cumbernauld, G67 1LA Tel : 01236 632159 Twitter @OLHSCumbernauld Click the image below to find us on Google Maps: Head Teacher:. The boys showed real tenacity and team spirit coming from behind on more than one occasion. Introduction to the Scottish Text (Duffy) Notes on ‘Valentine’. Scottish Catholic Education Service. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. 48 S5 pupils who are studying 4 or 5 highers attended a very worthwhile study weekend at New Lanark Youth Hostel. Numeracy League Every month first and second year pupils take part in the numeracy league. Congratulations to our S6 students on their successful completion of the Caritas Programme. G68 OEB (Tel 01236 632111) St. Scottish Catholic Education Service. SQA. Andrew’s Primary School, Eastfield Road, Cumbernauld. SQA. Education Scotland. S5/6 Timetable. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. John Bosco in Malawi. Advanced Higher Chemistry. School Uniform. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. SQA Achievements 2021. uk T: 07920402552OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. SQA. National 3/4 Business. Education Scotland. Barbara’s Primary School, Elmira Road, Muirhead. 9:32 PM · May 11, 2023 from Cumbernauld,. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award group has been running in Our Lady’s High School since before the Christmas holidays. 15pm every day for the whole week, starting on Monday 14 September. Head Teacher Introduction It is hard to believe that we are now in the month of September and we have been back at school for a number of weeks. Staff and pupils enjoyed a soft drinks reception, meal, awards and disco. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. OLHS Parent Council Cumbernauld, Cumbernauld. Senior Phase N5 Reading for UAE Pack 1. Música. Glow. “Maths and biology study sessions in New Lanark #CatholicSchoolsGoodForScotland #LandLNLC”OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. The latest Tweets from OLHS Music Department (@OLHSMusic). Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. From the new term in August school will finish at 12. Scottish Catholic Education Service. On Friday 14 October we will have a “Hint of Pink and Yellow” day. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. “Our @sciaf fundraising total for Lent, including Gift Aid, is a fantastic £2,525. Back To The 80s – School Show. Glow. Scottish Catholic Education Service. I am a Mathematics teacher and I am really looking forward to teaching some Maths here in OLHS. S4-6 Senior Phase. The ongoing. Hosted again by Mrs Savage and Mrs Wilson, joined by returning guest Miss Ruddy and two S6 pupils who discuss with us the roles and responsibilities they are now undertaking in their final year at OLHS. SQA. The Conference is set up like a United Nations Convention and pupils debated two resolutions. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. The week of the 25 – 29 November was Our Lady’s first Employability Week which saw all classes focus on subject specific careers, employability skills and pathways. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. Add message. Glow. The S3 pupils meet once per week on a Wednesday after school. Pizza party before the hard work begins at the S5 Study Weekend in Stirling Youth Hostel @PapaJohnsUK. On Wednesday 11 October at Dunbeth Park, Coatbridge our brilliant Rugby team showed great spirit and resilience despite narrowly losing their three games. Deportes. “Today we celebrate the birth of Our Lady. Glow. Our Subject Ambassadors staged an Options Event for our S2 pupils last week! They had spent months creating Boards, Displays and Activities for groups of S2 pupils to give them an idea of what each subject would be like in S3, should they choose it. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Newsletter. Dr Stephen Hendry (Royal Society of Chemistry Coordinator) from University of West Of Scotland, visited Our Lady’s High School on 15 March to discuss with S6 Chemistry pupils the importance of different types of. SQA. The pupils were then given the opportunity to take part in a Masterclass, honing and refining their new skills learned while in Oban. Inicia sesión. SQA. The pupils split into three groups to rotate around the activities on offer: archery, paintballing and off-road driving. Glow Blogs uses cookies to enhance your experience on our service. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Following the closure of the school last week because of the poor weather, we have taken the decision to postpone the S2 Parents’ Evening which was scheduled to take place tonight (5th March). Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. Glow. “Thanks to Mrs Cookman for all of her work organising the study weekend. They focused on the content covered in each. OLHS Faculty of English, Literacy and Drama St Margaret of Scotland Primary, LCSC and Nursery Miss Milton 📚 OLHS Cumbernauld I could really use these guys to help my colleagues turn up on time for meetings. Newsletter. 3 of our S4 pupils enjoyed a 4 day residential experience at Lochranza Outdoor Centre, Isle of Arran. Hosted by Mrs Savage and Mrs. OLHS, cumbernauld Bachelor of Arts (BA) Religion/Religious Studies. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. chat_bubble_outline 0 . Glow. Thus, pupil security is improved if teachers can immediately identify everyone as a member of our school community. S1 pupils: Elise Congalton, Emma McCurrach,. In S4, an outstanding 55% of pupils attained five or more National 5 Awards at Grade C o…OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. T…P7 Transition P7 Transition Project As part of our P7 Transition Project our six primary schools joined us here in Our Lady’s High on Wednesday 20 June for a showcase event. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. Hint of Pink and Yellow Day. Joseph’s Primary School, Cardowan Road, Stepps. There will be a public meeting on Tuesday 28 November 7pm to 9pm in Greenfaulds High School, Cumbernauld. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Malawi. Child Protection. Scottish Catholic Education Service. The Credit Union in Our Lady’s High School, which is run as a branch of the. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Your teachers are sending us lots of information about you and can't wait to meet you. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. By using this service or closing this message you consent to our use of those cookies. SQA. Newsletter. We also donated an overwhelming amount to the Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Baby Bank. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. We have sent 60 boxes and 50 bags of food to our local parishes and to the Chryston and Cumbernauld food banks. Mrs Cunningham, Head Teacher, has overall responsibility for all issues relating to the welfare of pupils. G69 9ER (Tel 01236 794840) St. Our Lady’s High School has the following associated parishes: St Barbara’s Muirhead – Fr. As part of their course pupils have to study health & safety in the workplace, as well as customer care and how to handle personal/sensitive information so it was a great experience to see how a large organisation such as SSE deal with. Newsletter. This experience was fully funded by the Scottish Attainment Challenge and involved a variety of outdoor pursuits as well as classroom time to help them prepare for their SQA exams. SQA. SQA. In this conversation. Please bring £5 to Mrs Cookman’s office if you wish to rent a locker for…We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. SQA. Tutorial sessions were on offer for English, Maths, Modern Studies…OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. S1 enjoyed the interactive workshop about the process of writing her books and becoming an author, and got involved with some quiz questions. Literacy and Drama Faculty of Our Lady’s High School Cumbernauld, we look at our upcoming Employability Fortnight, discussing what DYW is and what pupils can expect in their English and Drama lessons. “Fun in the sun @Pleasure_Beach #TheOurLadysWay”OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. The Parents Council meeting dates for the 2017-18 school year are: Monday 28th August 2017 7pm; Monday 18th September 2017 7pm“It was the turn of 1s1 today to create infographics on 'Purpose, Audience, Form and Main Ideas' for their Critical Literacy lesson. 9 Pupils from OLHS will be visiting our partner school St. The day concluded with Mass for S1 and S6. We are a hard-working, knowledgeable, caring, and friendly team whose ultimate aim is for all pupils to achieve excellence during their time spent with us. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. 34 likes · 19 talking about this. All pupils commented that it was a very worthwhile and humbling experience. How to Analyse Film and Television Drama. The work produced from both the Residency and Masterclass will now be showcased at Summerlee Museum. Newsletter. Newsletter. In the first podcast episode from the English, Literacy and Drama Faculty of Our Lady’s High School Cumbernauld, we look at our upcoming Employability Fortnight, discussing what DYW is and what pupils can expect in their English and Drama lessons. #TheOurLadysWay”“Our boys were amazing tonight. SQA. This is a fantastic achievement, and our students should be very proud of this. “We have another burning question for you today: who is behind the mask?🔥 #SpotlightOnLiteracy #TheOurLadysWay”School Lockers Lockers will be on sale from 1 to 1. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. Dickson, Mrs Forrester and Mr. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. A group of 24 pupils and teachers from our partner school, Tianjin High School, paid a day’s visit to our school recently. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. encouraging commitment to learning, providing a full range of. ’ football team navigated their way to the 2nd round of the Clydesdale cup by winning the local derby match against Cumbernauld Academy 2-1 at Oak Road, Abronhill on Wednesday 14 November. Podcast from Our Lady's High School in Cumbernauld, where we discuss different topics and events happening in our school community. S1-S3 Materials P. North Lanarkshire Athletics Championships. OLHS Cumbernauld My Tweets Online Payments. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. OLHS Diary Dates Session 22-23. Newsletter. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. 34 likes · 19 talking about this. The Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of enjoyable activities, designed to support the personal and social development of young people. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Our Theme: Putting Our Faith into Action. SQA. Click here to make an online payment for school meals or other school purchases. Glow. We are beginning to use a new communication tool called Groupcall. Education Scotland. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. A number of S1 an…Support for Learning: Literacy Support. Click the picture below to sign up for eNewsletters and school updates. Congratulations to @CoatbridgeHigh. Newsletter. This involved all pupils finding out information about each curricular area to help them when making their options choices. Education Scotland. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. The service was the official passing of the icon from the Archdiocese of Glasgow to the Diocese of Motherwell. Welcome to Our Ladies High School Parent Council page. Newsletter. Maintaining effective partnerships with parents and families is a key aspect of ensuring success for our young people. Education Scotland. Education Scotland. This podcasts comes at a time of the year where most of our pupils will be sitting end of unit or end of term assessments, particularly our senior phase students. Parents can easily download the free Xpressions app to their mobile phone to begin receiving updates. Log in; Entries feed; Comments feed; WordPress. COP26 / Laudato Si’ Poster Competition The St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teachers recently ran a competition to raise awareness of COP26 and Laudato Si. S4/S5 – Mrs L Cookman. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Welcome to Our Ladies High School Parent Council page. Glow. See new Tweets. To prosper as a Christian community of learning, providing effective education to meet the individual needs of all members of our community. Ninians and Kirkintilloch High. SQA. SQA. Everyone who gets a grant will ge…”S1 Numeracy Event As a follow up to activities during Maths Week Scotland, all S1 pupils attended an Assembly delivered by the Maths Department. Further guidance notes can be found by clicking here. NLC Gymnastics Competition. Lucy’s Primary School, Oak Road, Abronhill. Subject Ambassador S2 Event – 24 th February 2022. Newsletter. Brief summary and aims: To enhance pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Business and Computing topics and develop their ICT skills in order to fully equip pupils to grasp all opportunities available to them now and in the future. John Bosco in Malawi from the 9th-22nd June. SQA. SQA Exam Timetable 2020. Newsletter. OLHS is becoming a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School!. We strive to achieve this through: Providing a challenging and engaging curriculum. Scottish Catholic Education Service. Education Scotland.